The first coverage of the sessions from Székesfehérvár has been published on KLIMA+ BLOG. The report was titled ’ "Firmly positive, Technique negative" by the authors. The students of Székesfehérvár’s Tóparti Grammar School and School of Arts were the firsts to see KLIMA+ project’s film. |
At the round-table discussion organized by the Hungarian Criminal Association on the topic of ’Restorative methods in prisons’ MEREPS program was introduced by Dóra Szegő analyst, representing Foresee Research Group. In her talk, Ms. Szegő outlined the implementation process of the project. |
Interactive workshop about RJ principles and methods for a large group of motivated high school students was held at Tolerance Day at Városmajor Grammar School by Borbála Fellegi and Zsuzsanna Z. Papp. How do you relate to conflicts? Can we benefit from them? What alternative ways are there to deal with them if you do not want to go to court? If you were a victim of a crime would you want to meet the offender? These questions, among others, were addressed at the workshop with the students’ active... |
The first KLIMA+ preparation workshops were held for the moderator pairs on April 19 and 20, 2011. Pairs from numerous cities hold 20-27 test-shows of the film countrywide for secondary educational communities, sharing their experience with each other and the organisers of the... |
This major program component of the KLIMA+ project was held on the last day of March with the participation of adult and contemporary peers members of the consortia selected through the tender as well as the monitors of the program. The film crew of the project was present all through the day, recording interviews for the film under development. The event provided the participants with a possibility to get acquainted with each other and establish new or more profound professional... |
The Ministry of Pubilc Administration and Justice - with the support of the FRA - organized an international conference on the 23-24 March 2011 in Budapest, in order to use its conclusions to help the Commission’s work in developing its package on rights, support and protection of victims of crime and violence. The conference’s main aim was to identify the problems of the issue and inline with the Stockholm Programme to work out a long term strategy to solve them. |
The European Crime Prevention Network held its board meeting in Budapest on the 25th of February, 2011. On the meeting, Borbála Fellegi held one of the discussion evolving presentations on the subject of „Community Conflict Management”. The orientating question linked to the subject were: |
The FHSZ – Mobilitás National Youth Service in cooperation with the European Youth Centre of Budapest and over 30 NGOs organized a Human Rights Festival on the 10th of December 2010. as part of the „Year of battling Poverty and Social exclusion” at the European Youth Centre. The program included the introductions of the organizations and their projects, games realted to human rights, poverty and social exclusion, situational excersises, a Living Library, movie screenings, a fair trade coffee shop, music, dancing, theater, a design show and an opportunity for everyone... |
At the end of October, 2010 a three days long interactive training organised for almost 30 staff members of the Balassagyarmat Prison, that introduced the theory of practices of restorative justice and their applicability in the prison settings, has been succesfully completed. The almost 30 participants included the warden and the executive of Balassagyarmat Prison, educators, inspectors, psychologists and other staff from the prison, the educators of Tököl Juvenile Prison, social workers, civilians, teachers, etc. |
ECI in cooperation with GEMME in contribution of the International Visegrad Fund held a two-day (7th and 8th od October, 2010.) international conference in Brno, Czech Republic on the subjects of mediation, probation and dispute resolving. This conference was the second international conference under the label „ Mediaton – A path towards justice” by the European Institute for Reconciliation, Mediation & Arbitration (ESI) in... |
On the 1st of October, 2010. a free, and open mediation conference was held by the University of Miskolc in co-operation with the BAZ County Office of Justice, entitled „From the village council to virtual mediation”. One of the presenters on the conference was Dr. Borbala Fellegi, who spoke about Foresee Research Group’s conflict handling project in Nagybörzsöny. The conference was opened by Prof. Dr. Miklós Szabó dean, and Dr. Erika Váradi Csemáné deputy dean, after that, Dr. József Kotics cultural antropologist held a presentation entitled „Conflict handling in the peasant society”. This was followed by a presentation about the traditional roma conflict... |
On September 27th 2010, an expert workshop was organized at the Balassagyarmat Prison as part of the MEREPS Project. The aim of the course was to prepare and raise awareness of the participants, so when the MEREPS pilot project on in-prison mediation starts up in October they support it and are willing to take a part in the project and support the prison staff and inmates in taking an active role in the pilot. The workshop was opened by Dr. Budai István, the warden of the prison, and after the introduction of the participants the MEREPS Project and the related research was introduced by Dr. Borbala Fellegi, Dr. Tünde Barabás and Dr. SzandraWindt (all three experts are taking part in the MEREPS Project).... |
As a part of the MEREPS Project an all-day long „Zacchaeus programme” about taking responsibility, and looking at the victim’ side of the story was held with 18 inmates in the Balassagyarmat Prison on the 28th of September. 2010. The aim of the course was to prepare and raise awareness of the participants, so when the MEREPS pilot project on in-prison mediation starts up in October they support it and are willing to take a part in the project and support the prison staff and inmates in taking an active role in the pilot.
MEREPS's „Zacchaeus programme”, also known internationally as The Sycamore Tree Project® is an... |
The aim of the book is to map the ways in which the restorative justice paradigm and its different models can be implemented into Hungarian social policy and criminal justice systems. The study explores the underlying mechanisms of restorative justice, highlighting its influences on the micro, mezzo and macro level. Accordingly, the implications of restorative justice on interpersonal dynamics, the mechanisms of social institutions, and macro-sociological processes are analysed.
Key theoretical issues include: how to involve the community in the process of creating and obeying social norms? What are the possible responses to norm-breaking and what is the potential role of the community in this process? How to encourage responsibility-taking, apologising, forgiveness and... |
The European Forum for Restorative Justice (one of the partners in the MEREPS Consortium) held its sixth biennial conference from the 17th to 19th of June 2010, in Bilbao, Spain. This biennial conference also marked the 10th anniversary of the forum. The MEREPS Project was also invited to the Conference to hold its international seminar. The two workshops held by project representatives signaled the first personal introduction of the project towards a professional audience. |