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The chances of prison-mediation in Hungary |
Radio interview in Kossuth Radio’s „Napközben” with Dr. Tünde Barabás, Dr. István Budai and Dr. Borbala Fellegi about a prison-mediation program started as part of the MEREPS program (2010. 11. 03.). |
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Prison-mediation training and pilot program started in the Balassagyarmat Prison |
Interwiev with Dr. Tünde Barabás and Dr. Borbala Fellegi in the morning show of Duna Television, about the prison-mediation pilot program started as a part of the MEREPS program (2010. 11. 02.) |
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Prison-mediation training and pilot program started in the Balassagyarmat Prison |
Interwiev with Dr. Tünde Barabás and Dr. Borbála Fellegi in the show of MTV1, about the prison-mediation pilot program started as a part of the MEREPS program (2010. 10. 28.). |
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„Bad education? Verdict instead of life” Borbala Fellegi also interviewed for Népszabadság’s article |
The case was all over the new at its time: two students of Kaposvár’s Táncsics Mihály High School, Mihály K. and Dávid V. lured one of their classmates, József Szabó to the town’s lake, where they beat him with sticks and stones as well as their bare fists. The brutally assaulted boy lost consciousness. The two attackers pushed József into the lake, where he later drowned. The offenders, former friends of the victim, gave the friendship going bad as the explanation for their crime. The court now sentenced both 16 year old offenders to 14 years in prison. The parents of the victim filed a civil lawsuit against the offenders, because they felt that after losing their only child, their lives became pointless. The judge, Tamás Lábady is sure, that his verdict will raise disputes. |
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Borbala Fellegi was one of the guests in ATV’s „Civilian on the playfield” debational show’s episode entitled „Declaring war on small-time criminals” |
Three girls, aged 15 stole bijous worth 10.000 forints, getting 40 hours of lock up for it…What are the opinions about the new law on misdemenaors and the fact that lock up can now be used (even in the case of minors) as penalty in misdemenaors causing small financial harm? |
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Interview with Borbála Fellegi in Fejér Megyei Hírlap about restorative justice |
The article of Ernő Klecska was published on the 22nd of May, 2010. The interview was about the principles of restorative justice, the advantages and Hungarian perspectives of the restorative approach. |
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Interview with Gabriella Benedek about the Foresee event that took place during the Week of Civilian Involvement |
The interview aired in Kossuth Radio’s "Közelről" on the 25th of September, 2009. at 16.00. |
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Interview with Borbála Fellegi about her book „Towards restoration and peace – The implementation of restorative justice in Hungary” |
Aired in Inforadio, on the 22nd of September, 2009. |
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Henrik Havas and László Kéri talked with Borbála Fellegi about her book „Towards restoration and peace – The implementation of restorative justice in Hungary” |
Aired in Klubradio, Henrik Havas’s book promotional program, "Ötös",on the 31st of August, 2009. |
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Interview with the experts of Foresee Research Group about actual questions of public matters |
The one with the questions: Zsuzsa Szikra, the ones giving the answers: Gabriella Benedek, Borbála Fellegi, Szilvia Süki-Szíjártó and Balázs Benedek. The interview about property-tax, family services, the awareness of the voters, and the activities of Foresee Research Group aired every day at 12.00 from the 22nd to the 26th of June, 2009 in Radio Kossuth’s "Magánhangzó". |